The Trees Have Eyes

I sit with the trees
and they sit with me
I see them
and they see me

I speak with the trees
and they speak too
I sleep with them
and they nourish my dreams

I rub their trunks
and the bark scratches back
I smell the leaves
and they catch my scent

I go to them in the summers
and their shade gives me respite
I go to them in the rains
and their joy gives me life

I go to them in the winters
and their nakedness gives me the strength
to not hide from my fears
and sit with them till they become my friends

And there comes a time
when we begin to know each other
We look at each other
and the birds look at us too

What trees are to me
I can hardly explain
For the trees have eyes
and I know they are with me
be it my joy or my sorrow
their spring or their autumn
We hold each other
as we walk together, finally.


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